Tuesday, April 27, 2010


If Prophet Muhammad visited you just for a day or two, if he came unexpectedly, I wonder what you would do? Oh I know you would give your nicest room, to such an honored guest, and you would serve him you very best..

You would be the very best, cause you're glad to have him there, that serving him in your home would be a joy without compare..but, when you see him coming, would you meet him at the door with your arms outstretched in welcome to your visitor?

Or..would you have to change your clothes before you let him in? or hide some magazines and put the Qur'an where they had been?

Would you still watch those movies, or your tv set? Or would you switch off, before he gets upset..

Would you turn off the radio and hope he had not heard? And wish that you did not utter your last loud hasty word?

Would you hide your wolrdly music and instead take out Hadith books? Could you let him walk right in or would you rush about?

And I wonder, if the Prophet S.A.W. spent a day or two with you, would you go on doing the things you always do? Would you go right on and say the things that you always say?

Would life for you continues as it does from day to day...

Would your family conversations keep up their usual pace? And would you find it hard each meal to say table grace?

Would you keep up each and every prayer? Without putting on a frown? And would you alyways jump up early for fajr at dawn?

Would you sing the songs you always sing? And read the book you read? And let him know the things on which your mind and spirit feed?

Would you take Prophet Muhammad with you, everywhere you plan to go? Or would you maybe change your plans, just for a day or so?

Would you be glad to have him meet your very closest friends? Or would you hope they stay away until his visit ends?

Would you be glad to have him stay forever on and on? Or would you sigh great relief when he at last was gone?

It might be interesting to know the things that you would do if Prophet Muhammad came and spend some time with you...

Leave it to you to be answered by you yourself..only Allah knows everything..

i get all those questions from a risalah when i'm at CFS IIUM..where at that time i'm around 18..now going to be 20..wondering what i have done for islam???

Usamah bin Zaid mengetuai angkatan perang ketika berusia 19 tahun...
Muhammad Al-Fatih membebaskan Constantinople saat usianya 23 tahun...

tapi apa yang telah aku capai untuk dipersembahkan kepada Allah?
semoga sedikit perkongsian ini menjadi saksi perjuanganku di jalanMu..

"Jangan jadikan kami pengkhianat yang memutuskan mata rantai
kesinambungan ini
Dengan sikap malas dan enggan berda'wah
Karena takut rugi dunia dan dibenci bangsa"
(Dilantunkan oleh K.H. Rahmat Abdullah pada Deklarasi Parti Keadilan)

~semoga kita semua bukan pengkhianat kepada agama Islam..

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